I talk to George Livingstone who acts as the development manager for this important charity. It’s one of dozens around the UK that are striving to help balance inequality and create opportunity for those disadvantaged through no fault of their own.Also learning to survive during the pandemic.

So often we overlook the value and importance of small community charities, all making a difference and improving people’s quality of life in so many different ways.

Grantown Remakery http://www.grantonremakery.org.uk  provides Employment Skills Development, volunteering opportunities and support for Young People who may be having difficulty in Transition from School to Further Education and Employment, Adults with a Disability or with Mental Ill-Health, supporting all in their journey to recovery and towards fulfilment of their personal goals.
It aims to provide an alternative to landfill disposal by repairing, upgrading, recycling and reselling of goods through a Community based system.
They have developed strong business relationships with both Partners and the Local Community to identify the best service for individuals in need of support and skills development within strong environmental awareness and action.

It is a community social work scheme whose value to the area is significant.

Contact them on Facebook or at their website or email info@grantownremakery.org.uk

Thanks to http://albadigitalmedia.com for technical help with this podcast.

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