114 Children’s Hospice South West

114 Children’s Hospice South West

I talk with Laura Robertson from Children’s Hospice South West about how we offer end of life care to our young children and their families. Laura joined Children’s Hospice South West back in June 2017 after many years of fundraising for both small and large...
108  Mental Health First Aid.  Paula Power

108 Mental Health First Aid. Paula Power

This programme highlights a much needed service in mental health awareness raising. It’s like a training programme for ‘social lifeguards’—training people to identify, support and refer on,  if needed , those struggling with all types of mental...
106 Grantown Remakery. A classic small charity.

106 Grantown Remakery. A classic small charity.

  I talk to George Livingstone who acts as the development manager for this important charity. It’s one of dozens around the UK that are striving to help balance inequality and create opportunity for those disadvantaged through no fault of their own.Also...
104     Suicide prevention.  Jeff Patterson at Gaggle

104 Suicide prevention. Jeff Patterson at Gaggle

Suicide, self harm and depression haunt young people across the world, taking thousands of lives all over the globe. Combined with the threats from drug and alcohol abuse, bullying, in all forms, and child pornography the risk to students are manifest. Based in Los...
073 Bradford interviews   Chair of Adult Safeguarding

073 Bradford interviews Chair of Adult Safeguarding

Jonathan Phillips is a qualified social worker. For many years he worked in social services in a number of frontline, training and management roles. He then moved to the voluntary sector as a Director with National Deaf Children’s Society. An interest in Deaf...
059  Papyrus– Youth Suicide Prevention Charity

059 Papyrus– Youth Suicide Prevention Charity

I talked to Alice Newton , the suicide prevention training co-ordinator for Papyrus, a national charity dedicated to supporting young people contemplating suicide and raising awareness about the level of need. They provide confidential help and advice to young people...