137  Anti human trafficking ATII

137 Anti human trafficking ATII

Larry Cameron BCEC, CCI, CTCE, DEI, MDI, TINV, TG2 CISO at Anti-Human Trafficking Intelligence Initiative (ATII)            https://followmoneyfightslavery.org/ Larry has 20+ years experience in the technology industry. He is the Chief Information Security Officer at...
123 Missing Children Europe Part 2

123 Missing Children Europe Part 2

Aagje Ieven is Secretary General at Missing Children Europe www.missingchildreneurope.eu , where she is responsible for the strategic development and day-to-day management of the organization. In this second podcast we talk of a significant group of missing children...
122 Social Work in China.

122 Social Work in China.

Professor Johnston Hong-Chung WONG talks of social work in mainland China and Hong Kong as well as an organisation he co-founded —Social Workers Across Borders. Johnston Wong, Professor in Social Work and Social Administration, started his career as a youth...
102  International social work… Dr David Jones

102 International social work… Dr David Jones

 David Jones talks from an extensive history of involvement in international social work policy and practice. Promoting themes such as socio economic health , dignity and work , environmental change, strength of human relationships and protection of the millions of...
099 Christopher Lamb  a life in diplomacy Pt 2

099 Christopher Lamb a life in diplomacy Pt 2

Part 2 of this fascinating interview on the power of diplomacy from when Christopher moved to the IFRC. The range of issues and the depth of need in the world is staggering. The constant demand on a macro and micro level to resolve conflict is well known but this...