122 Social Work in China.

122 Social Work in China.

Professor Johnston Hong-Chung WONG talks of social work in mainland China and Hong Kong as well as an organisation he co-founded —Social Workers Across Borders. Johnston Wong, Professor in Social Work and Social Administration, started his career as a youth...
121 Action for ME   Sonya Chowdhury

121 Action for ME Sonya Chowdhury

  Sonya Chowdhury is the Chief Executive of UK Charity Action for M.E., working with children, families and adults affected by the neurological condition M.E.; a role served since September 2012. Myalgic encephalomyelitis (M.E.) affects 250,000 people in the...
114 Children’s Hospice South West

114 Children’s Hospice South West

I talk with Laura Robertson from Children’s Hospice South West about how we offer end of life care to our young children and their families. Laura joined Children’s Hospice South West back in June 2017 after many years of fundraising for both small and large...
112 Sir Peter Wanless  Chief Exec NSPCC

112 Sir Peter Wanless Chief Exec NSPCC

Peter Wanless has been the Chief Executive of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children since June 2013. The charity’s longstanding purpose is to prevent cruelty to children, something it seeks to achieve through a mixture of service delivery,...
106 Grantown Remakery. A classic small charity.

106 Grantown Remakery. A classic small charity.

  I talk to George Livingstone who acts as the development manager for this important charity. It’s one of dozens around the UK that are striving to help balance inequality and create opportunity for those disadvantaged through no fault of their own.Also...
103  Bradford Children’s Partnership Board–Chair Jane Booth

103 Bradford Children’s Partnership Board–Chair Jane Booth

The new Bradford Partnership Board replaces the  Safeguarding Children Board. It is made up of agencies including the Council, Police, Health services in addition to schools and voluntary services that work together to keep children in the district safe. We talk about...