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161 Ann Marie Christian Independent Safeguarding Consultant
Ann Marie Christian Independent Safeguarding Consultant qualified as a social worker in 1996.
She has worked for various local authoritieson on the front line, in management, Local Safeguarding Children Board Trainer, LADO, Safeguarding advisor to schools, school improvement advisor, Designated Safeguarding Lead trainer and Designated Safeguarding Lead coordinator. She has a thorough knowledge of safeguarding in education.
She is well known amongst her peers and is very passionate about keeping children safe and sharing her knowledge about child abuse, violence against women and children and anti-racism work. Ann Marie has specialised in safeguarding from 1992 and specialised within education and childcare settings since being a school-based social worker in 1999. She progressed on to manage social workers in schools for a Local Authority.
In 2010, she became an independent social worker and provided associate consultancy and training to various organisations including NSPCC, Local Authorities, ISI Consultancy, Early Years Teams, Youth Justice Teams, Boarding School Association, The Key for Leaders, Optimus Education, Council of International Schools, AEGIS, Charities, Faith organisations, Premier League, Multi Academy Trusts and more.
Ann Marie frequently delivers workshops and keynotes at National & International conferences. She raises the awareness of child abuse and promotes child protection internationally and over the last few years delivers training and keynotes in Dubai, Singapore, Monaco, Jamaica, Japan, and Armenia.
She was’ Highly Commended’ and received an award at the Win Trade Awards 2019 for ‘Woman in the Public Sector’ and nominated in 2018 & 2019 in the NSPCC Child Protection Trainer of the Year.
Ann Marie is a member of AOCPP (Association of Child Protection Professionals) and a Trustee since 2020. She is a safeguarding governor at a school in the UAE since September 2023.
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by160 Dr Craig Newman, author, recovery from abuse programme.
Dr Craig Newman, author of recovery from abuse programme.. A Clinical Psychologist and Innovator, with over 25 years experience in supporting mental health recovery alongside research and innovation. Craig is an author, founder and creator of ‘Get Out Get Love’ which is a proposed universal recovery model from experiences of abusive relationships shaped into both a self-help book and later developed self-delivered digital recovery programme. The programme supports self-referred people who seek to get answers, escape and/or recovery in addition to supporting domestic abuse services who are struggling to meet demand, not able to support those who prefer not to opt into face to face therapy and not able to offer long-term help beyond crisis and stabilisation. The programme has been evaluated with funding from Innovate:UK and the National Institute of Health Research, showing positive effect for people in need and services who support them.
Craig has over 15 years of experience in developing digital solutions to support at needs groups, winning national prestigious awards for his work to improve dementia assessments internationally, to reduce the risk of unexpected deaths in epilepsy and to support the wellbeing of NHS staff through the COVID period, to name a few. His work has international impact and his apps have helped 1,000s of clinicians and patients across the world. This experience he brings to the domestic abuse sector, in response to his own experience as a victim, and attempt to support people where the system struggles to help – namely long-term and towards the experience of self-love.
His book was published in 2023, and despite no track record as an author and no social media presence, the book has already attracted publication contracts for the UK, USA, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Estonia and Romania. Craig recommends the book as a read for anyone who even questions a past relationship, suggesting that at worse it is an informative read and at best it could empower your life going forwards – the words of reader testimonials, not his.
‘Craig’s book Get Out Get Love, published by Sheldon Press is available now’
- (the programme)
- (evidence summary for interested services)
- ( a free 6-week programme, for those wanting to reduce self-blame and regret, following an abusive relationship)
- (where to go if you feel you need help, in person)
- (where to go if you feel suicidal / at risk of self harm)
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byDavid Mandel International author and trainer on domestic violence
David Mandel International author and trainer on domestic violence. I talked with David about his new book ( see below ) and more widely on his road to where he is today.
With over 35 years’ experience in the domestic violence and child welfare fields, David is the creator of the Safe & Together Model, a transformational approach to changing how systems and practitioners respond to domestic violence when children are involved. He has identified how a perpetrator pattern-based approach can improve the ability to partner with survivors, intervene with perpetrators as parents, and improve outcomes for children.
David is the founder of the Safe & Together Institute, which works with governments and NGOs across the globe, including Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Japan, the United Kingdom, and Europe. Through their live training, organizational consulting, e-learning, and trainer certification, the Safe & Together Institute provides organizations and systems with a wide range of practice change tools. Currently, the Institute supports almost 300 Certified Trainers and 80 Partner Agencies worldwide. The Model has proven its relevance to multiple sectors, including family court, substance use, law enforcement, mental health, multi-agency efforts, and other disciplines.
David has written or co-written numerous journal articles, book chapters, and white papers, including his most recent one on the alignment of the Safe & Together Model with the children’s best interest framework. The Institute’s work is regularly the subject of research studies, including a current project examining the relevance of the Model in a First Nation context in Australia. He has just published his first book, “Stop Blaming Mothers and Ignoring Fathers: How to Transform the Way We Keep Children Safe from Domestic Violence,” which is available online through Follow this link to the book
Contact Information:
Safe & Together Institute
Box 745 Canton CT 06019
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