An interview with Alan Wood, President of the Association of Directors of Children’s Services. Currently DCS for Hackney and previously Chief Executive of the Learning Trust credited for taking education in Hackney from the worst in the country to a position of excellence in 10 years.

He also caused a storm with quoted comments in a Guardian article calling in to question some newly qualified social workers ability to do the job, labeling them”crap”.

I pressed him on this and he stuck to his opinions although accepting that his language was inappropriate. He praised some schools of social work education saying that they turn out high quality social workers but repeated that he and colleagues feel that too many turn out newly qualified workers “ill prepared” for the workplace.

He added that as there is fantastic expertise among social workers and some do a stunning job, why, if we do it for some, can’t we do it for all.

With so many more issues talked about–have a listen to the full interview with Alan Wood.

Thanks , as always , to Alba Digital Media.


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