A magazine edition today!

1  )  Chris Walters ( pictured) , a terrific stain glass artist who gives back to the community, talks about his work and his committment.

If you’re anywhere near the SW of England go and see his work.  (Details below)

Chris has been creating glass art work for nearly 20 years.  He is a member of the Somerset Guild of Craftsmen and Contemporary Glass Society.  Over the years his glass has found it’s way to many countries and he’s taken part in numerous exhibitions and displays  His next exploit is the Chew Valley Arts Trail taking place on 13th and 14th October when visitors will be able to see Chris’s work at his home:


Alternatively take a look at his website (http://www.modaglass.co.uk) or contact Chris through email (chris@modaglass.co.uk).

Of particular interest is the commissioning process where Chris works with potential clients to create work which is particular and special to them.  This can range from making fused glass objects such as jewellery or ornaments for that special gift to stained glass panels for doors or windows as part of one’s home.

A major motivator for Chris is helping others and he has been involved in a number of local and national charities through donating his work and fund raising.  Particular causes where he has been involved are:

Children’s Hospice South West… . https://www.chsw.org.uk/

Send A Cow… https://sendacow.org/


2)  The next item is a personal one as I’ve been asked to join the International Advisory Board of the Global Institute for Social Work ( GISW)

3) The easy access of non prescription analgesics in supermarkets and convenience stores needs addressing and I outline what I’ve done so far as I believe it is an avoidable risk to children and young people.

Thanks as always to www.albadigitalmedia.com for technical support.


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