Dave is a Barnardo’s Children’s Service Manager in Bradford  and is Young Lives Bradford VCS representative on Bradford Safeguarding Children Board. The VCS has played a central role in the business of BSCB since the Board was launched in 2006 (and included as a signatory of the ‘Statement of Intent’). The VCS are well represented within the BSCB structure and it is important for the sector and for the welfare of children and young people across the district that the sector maintains  this coordinated presence .  Dave is presently chair of the VCS Safeguarding Group and has in the past chaired BSCB sub group and specific task and finish work streams.  Dave is committed to work with strategic partners to make Bradford a place where children and young people from all communities feel safe and develop skills and opportunities which will support them into adulthood.

The episode starts with an interview I gave on a new report about the impact on children who have been’missing’ and had their details all over social media.

Then the main interview with Dave Benn.  Lots more to come and the Spring has sprung!

Thanks as always to AlbaDigitalMedia for technical help with the podcast.

Please use speakpipe or other contact methods to let me know your views.


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