An excellent interview with Julie Taylor who Chairs the Congress Committee for the BASPCAN Congress 2015 at the University of Edinburgh. BASPC AN stands for the British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect. You can find it at . Its Facebook address is its full name and the Twitter handle for the Congress is #9ed2015. This prestigious event takes place every 3 years and is packed full of top speakers and excellent topics concerning child protection.

Julie Taylor is the inaugural chair of the Child Protection Research Centre, an innovative partnership between the University of Edinburgh and the UK’s leading child protection charity, the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC). Before taking up post in early 2013, she was Head of Strategy and Development (Abuse in High Risk Families) with the NSPCC whilst on a three year secondment from her post as Professor of Family Health in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Dundee. Until March 2010 she was Research Dean and Head of Division (Research and Postgraduate Studies) and led the University’s first submission to the Nursing Unit of Assessment in the national research assessment exercise (RAE 2008). She trained as a nurse in the 1980s at St James’ University Hospital Leeds and held a number of increasingly senior nursing posts before entering higher education in 1992 at the University of York, moving to Dundee in 1997.

Thanks, as always to Alba Digital Media for technical support in making this Podcast possible.

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