The Development Manager for Disabled Children’s Services at the Ann Craft Trust (ACT) Sarah Goff and I discuss the role of ACT in safeguarding disabled children and vulnerable adults, and specifically Sarah’s position in the organisation. We discuss the higher vulnerability of disabled children to abuse and the preventative measures which can be taken. She offers her advise to carers and parents of children with disabilities.

ann craft trust

For over 21 years the Ann Craft Trust (ACT) has championed the rights of disabled people and pushed forward the UK’s understanding of safeguarding. Today ACT supports the statutory, independent and voluntary sectors from across the UK to protect disabled children and vulnerable adults. Their campaigning focuses on injustices in the legal system, measures to prevent abuse and on making sure that those who are employed to work with disabled children and vulnerable adults are suitable to do so.


Secondly I discuss with you the digital advances which are impacting social work and develop the arguments for and against integrating technology into homes and services. Do also read further about the digital age of social work.

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