Interview with Chief Social Worker for adults, Lyn Romeo. She discusses her role and how the work of adult social workers supports vulnerable adults to live their lives in the way they want to with great success. However she feels this good work has been lost in the public eye and hopes in the future the positive stories and fantastic differences which are made to peoples lives can be transpired in the media.

We discuss much more, including her advice for social workers, the benefits of social media, the struggles social workers encounter and how the best possible differences to families can be made.

Lyn took up her post as Chief Social Worker for Adults in September 2013. She works collaboratively with the Chief Social Worker for Children and Families and together they work from the Office of the Chief Social Worker to:

  • support and challenge the profession to ensure that children and adults get the best possible help from social workers
  • provide independent expert advice to ministers on social work reform, and the contribution of social work and social workers to policy implementation more generally
  • provide leadership and work with key leaders in the profession and wider sector to drive forward the improvement and reform programme for social work
  • challenge weak practice to achieve decisive improvements in the quality of social work
  • provide leadership to the network of principal social workers 


Secondly I have included a BBC interview on the Martin Narey report. The report about social work education quite rightly identifies areas of training and preparation for new social workers that needs to be improved. It should be seen as is an evolutionary step in social work maturity where continuing improvement is a positive force.


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