055 Self Leadership in Social Work

055 Self Leadership in Social Work

“Self Leadership in Social Work” , subtitled “reflections from practice”, a new book by Bill McKitterick that offers a fresh and innovative view on leadership for social workers and managers.It’s a call for confident, skilled and...
052 Child Trafficking & Modern Slavery

052 Child Trafficking & Modern Slavery

The practice of child trafficking and modern slavery in the 21st century at the level that it exists is one of the most appalling and shameful indictments of the worldwide human condition. Bharti Patel is CEO of ECPAT UK. Bharti has more than fifteen years’ experience...
048 Jane Devine Social Work Scotland

048 Jane Devine Social Work Scotland

What’s the picture of social work in Scotland? After a monumentous year for the country, how is the profession shaping up in Scotland? Jane Devine is the Business Manager for Social Work Scotland, the successor organisation to the Association of Directors of...
040 JSWEC Part 6 Social Media

040 JSWEC Part 6 Social Media

JSWEConference Part 6. Thoughts of newly qualified workers and social media in social work education. A final roundup of interviews from the conference. Firstly an interesting discussion with three newly qualified social workers from the University of Dundee, Leanne ,...

Vicarious Traumatisation on the Front Line

Social workers’ health and well being “All emotions are contagious… both the ones that are pleasant and the ones that are unpleasant” – Babette Rothschild. Babette argues that all social workers on the front line where we listen to...