144 Sir Peter Wanless Part 2

144 Sir Peter Wanless Part 2

  A continuation of the reflection on 10 years with the NSPCC.   We develop the conversation to look more into the future and look for new or untested ideas from the wider world. Also talk more on NSPCC’s plans to add to online safety.    Peter was  also...
138 Anti Human Traffiking Initiative Part 2

138 Anti Human Traffiking Initiative Part 2

Human Traffiking Part 2 continues the focus on the Anti-Human Trafficking Intelligence Initiative (ATII) https://followmoneyfightslavery.org/   Matt Richardson is the Director of Intelligence and Investigations with the Anti-Human Trafficking Intelligence Initiative...
134  Magnolia. Missing Children Ukraine

134 Magnolia. Missing Children Ukraine

  Marina Lypovetska, head of 116 000 in Ukraine and head of projects in NGO “Magnolia”, board member of International Federation Missing Children Europe, talks to me about her work and the huge challenges they face. The difficulties of tracing missing...
055 Self Leadership in Social Work

055 Self Leadership in Social Work

“Self Leadership in Social Work” , subtitled “reflections from practice”, a new book by Bill McKitterick that offers a fresh and innovative view on leadership for social workers and managers.It’s a call for confident, skilled and...