Course Aims
To provide the basis of a more coherent and systematic approach to parenting assessment and thereby enhance the capacity and confidence of Child and Family Support Workers in their professional roles day to day.
Course Objectives
- To recognize the contributions Child and Family Support Workers make when actively involved in, and contributing to Parenting Assessments.
- To build confidence for workers in this important and sometimes conflict-based role.
- To assist participants to explore some of the power-based and role-based dilemmas inherent in their work.
- To assist participants to explore the impact of working with feelings of distress, discouragement and hopelessness.
- To build the knowledge of participants with respect to parenting styles.
- To more closely examine the Dimensions of Parenting Capacity.
- To introduce and signpost to a range of models of assessment, including Goodman’s Strengths and Weaknesses, SOUL records and parenting models such as Family SEAL, Triple P, Strengthening Families, Webster Stratton.
- To examine how assessment based conclusions impact on intervention options and choices and on identifying targets for change for parents.
Full course list