Parental Mental Health and Safeguarding Children

Course description

Target audience is any professionals from the voluntary, statutory and/or private sectors that work with adults with mental health issues and/or children, e.g., Social Workers, Family Support Workers, adult mental health workers, children’s workers, Youth Offending Team workers, education staff, Social Care staff, NHS staff, refuge staff. This course will enable you to develop an understanding, knowledge and skills base to work with parents who have mental health issues. Frequently families with a parent who has a mental health issue, suffers from domestic violence or substance misuse often has one of the other ‘toxic trio’ issues within the family. This makes safeguarding children a very important practice in these cases.


By the end of the session, learners should be able to:

  • Outline the legal and historical context of safeguarding children
  • Give examples of mental health issues affecting service users
  • Explore the links between parental mental illness, child abuse and child development
  • Examine risk factors to children of parental mental illness
  • Describe the impact of parental mental illness on children
  • Identify how parents/children perceive services offered
  • Summarise how prejudice and stereotyping may impact on service users/children
  • List good practice in working together
  • Outline and examine local protocols



Full course list





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