Working with Looked After children: An experiential perspective

Course Description

This is a unique experience to hear from a former Looked After young person and his Social Worker, David Akinsanya and Jenni Randall.

David Akinsanya was looked after as a child. He talks of the extremes of the system, the times of care and understanding and the times of pain and difficulty. Jenni Randall was his social worker who clung on for a rollercoaster ride. They now are friends and David is a successful film maker and champion of Looked After Children. They talk on their successes and failures in a positive and helpful way to present-day practitioners.

A crucial thread running through the day is the importance of listening to the voice of the child and Bristol is developing this theme in future courses.



  • To examine the corporate parenting task, drawing upon the experience of young people in public care.
  • To look at the importance of emphasizing positive personal identity and personal history to enhance self-esteem and emotional wellbeing.
  • To better prepare the young person for independence.
  • To better equip the worker to understand the range of emotions, challenges, fears and desires of young people in the Looked After system.



  • To explore new ways of developing relationships.
  • To examine and challenge the culture surrounding parenting in the Looked After system.
  • To explore pitfalls and problems that occurs during the Looked After experience and consider solutions.
  • To recognise the value of developing warm, caring, professional relationships.


Course participants could include:

  • Social Workers working with Looked After children
  • Foster Carers
  • Residential Social Workers
  • Mentors
  • LAC Teachers


The course will include clips from various films and written material that David Akinsanya and Jenni Randall have produced and worked on together.



–         “Reminded us that whatever the process – the child should be at the centre.”

–         “Very involving and thought provoking. A good mix of personal history and professional perspective.”

–         “Thoroughly enjoyable, engaging and inspirational.”

–         “Good mix of examples from real life experiences as well as sharing of practice – really enjoyable.”


Full course list

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