Joint Investigation Training Course

4 day course


To be confident and competent in carrying out a Sect 47 (Children Act ’89) enquiries.

This course is aimed at developing confidence and competence in carrying out joint sect 47 enquiries. Ideally the training would include police officers and social workers being trained jointly where the knowledge and appreciation of each working practices are realised for joint working and decision making.

The course will be delivered using a range of training styles, to include short direct lectures, learning exercises, and simulated case study led activities. In addition prior reading would be recommended to enhance the depth of learning as well as reflective self assessment. The course will also use the ABE evaluation tool for peer and trainer assessment of good practice.

Specific training needs can be negotiated but each course will be delivered by two trainers to reflect the joint working requirement of sect 47 enquiries.



  • To have knowledge of the legal context,  framework and guidance of the sect 47 process
    • Child Act 89, sect 47, Child Act 04, Wkg Tog ’13, Ass Framework, Crime & Disorder Act ’98, Youth Justice & Criminal Evidence Act ’99, Criminal Justice & Court Services Act ’00, Sexual Offences Act ‘03, Child & Young Persons Act ’33, Police & Criminal Evidence Act 1984, Speaking up for Justice 03, ABE ’11, PLO ’08, court special measures, assessing risk, information sharing, PR and defining sect 47.


  • To be clear of agency roles, practices and procedures
    • JI process, from referral/strategy meeting to deciding outcome plans, knowledge of police role and social work roles, jargon, medicals, decision making local practices, time line and recording


  • To have knowledge of the requirements of evidence gathering and ABE evidential interview
    • ABE interview process, eg: stages, prep and planning, intermediaries, question types victim awareness, 2nd interviewer role. Interview practice.


  • To have the opportunity to practice interview skills

Application to practice – use of case study to practice whole process – assessment of competence using ABE evaluation tool



Caroline Vost (Police) and Sam Chapman (Social Work)

Caroline is a former Police DC having served 30 years in a large county police force. The majority of her service was engaged in the child protection unit working with social services and other agencies before moving to the police crime training department. In that role she had lead responsibilities for both child care and adult vulnerability training. She also held the post of Chair of the LSCB Training Sub Group. It was during this period in 2012 Caroline also spent a period back in practice working in the child protection unit. Caroline is now employed as an independent trainer delivering vulnerability training both in the work sector and HE.

Sam has been a practising social worker in child protection for 30 years. Qualified to advanced level she has worked within a range of agencies, to include education, child health and the voluntary sector as well many years in front line investigative statutory child protection. She later moved to training as lead CP trainer for a large local authority, writing and delivering training to multi-agency groups before managing workforce development in the same county. Sam now works as an independent trainer delivering training in the field of child social care, including joint investigation training, both within the work sector and HE.

Caroline and Sam worked together in the field of investigative child protection for 6 years prior to successfully delivering joint investigation training together for 8 years in a large local authority. During that time they have jointly delivered over 30 courses to joint groups of police officers and social workers. Sam has also delivered JI training with other police officers in a number of local authorities in England to include, Oxford, Luton and Warwick in her role as an independent trainer.

Having worked together and trained together this training provides a unique opportunity to work with trainers who have both practice and training experience in this specialised field of child protection.

Both are qualified trainers in adult education.


A maximum of 24 delegates, allowing for agencies to join up and share costs.


Full course list

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