on the Thoughts on the Social World podcast
David and Jenni now offer training for David Niven Associates titled ‘Working with looked after children: an experiential perspective‘ for those working with children in care. A crucial thread running through the day is the importance of listening to the voice of the child. For information on this training contact David Niven Associates on info@dnivenassociates.co.uk or 0845 833 0859.
David has worked internationally as Chair, Adviser and Consultant to several groups, policy committees, advisory boards and councils. He retired after 4 years as honorary President of the International Federation of Social Workers in 2010 and continues to play a leading role coordinating The Global Agenda for Social Work. He was a visiting research fellow at Monmouth University, New Jersey during early 2014, editing the first report of The Global Agenda for Social Work. He is a member of the Policy, Ethics and Human Rights Committee of the British Association of Social Workers.
A strong advocate of international multi-agency partnerships, Jim was the founding Chief Executive of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre, the Association of Chief Police Officers lead on Child Protection and Child Trafficking and the founder and initial Chair of the Virtual Global Task Force, an international collaboration to make children safer online. His primary focus has been on developing effective multi-sector partnerships that make people safer. Jim was awarded the QPM for his services to policing.
Jon is a qualified Social Worker with a Masters in Social Policy from the LSE. During his career as a Probation Officer and Social Worker he has been responsible for setting up and managing a range of sexual abuse services ranging from therapeutic services for child victims, services for children and young people with sexually harmful behaviour and services for adult sex offenders and he reflects on the work of the NSPCC.
Between 2003-07 Jon was Chair of NOTA, the National Organisation for the Treatment of Abusers and remains on the National Executive Committee. He is also a Trustee of the Loudoun Trust which exists to promote evidence based research and practice in the field of sexual aggression against children, he is a Board member of eNACSO (European NGO Alliance for Child Safety Online) and he is a peer reviewer for the Economic and Social Research Council.
Prior to taking up this role with the NSPCC Jon was Operational Director of Children’s Services with Action for Children.
The Chief Social Worker for Adults works collaboratively with the Chief Social Worker for Children and Families to:
- Support and challenge the profession to ensure that children and adults get the best possible help from social workers.
- provide independent expert advice to ministers on social work reform, and the contribution of social work and social workers to policy implementation more generally
- provide leadership and work with key leaders in the profession and wider sector to drive forward the improvement and reform programme for social work
- challenge weak practice to achieve decisive improvements in the quality of social work
- provide leadership to the network of principal social workers
Previously, Lyn worked as the Assistant Director for Adult Social Care in the London Borough of Camden. She has also worked as an inspector with the Social Services Inspectorate, as well as working in Yorkshire for over 20 years as both a field social worker and in a variety of management roles across children and adults.