100      Chair of British Association of Social Workers   Gerry Nosowska

100 Chair of British Association of Social Workers Gerry Nosowska

In the 50th year of the British Association of Social Workers ( BASW ) it is fitting that my 100th podcast is with the National Chair, Gerry Nosowska. The Heritage Year sees challenges both national and international but finds the Association in a strong position,...
096 Jim Gamble Safeguarding Part 1

096 Jim Gamble Safeguarding Part 1

Jim Gamble is one of the UK’s leading voices on the safeguarding of children. I’ve known Jim for many years and he has always worked passionately to improve the safety of children. This is a great listen and an honest account of times in law enforcement...
091  Post Covid19 social work.

091 Post Covid19 social work.

What social work can contribute during and following the Covid19 pandemic.   Professor Ngoh Tiong Tan is Chair of Global Institute for Social Work ( www.thegisw.org ) International Advisory Board —– President, Connexions International. —– Professor, Singapore...