by daveniven | Sep 9, 2013 | Children, Social Work
So the Russians thought to subtly insult us by referring to the UK at the G20 summit as ‘just an insignificant little island’. The hope, was to further embarrass people and accentuate the rift between Britain and America. As it happens, I actually like...
by daveniven | Sep 6, 2013 | Child Abuse, Children, Sexual Abuse & Domestic Violence
I’m looking forward to hearing views from a consultation that we are convening in the South West of England to consider the national action plan to tackle child abuse linked to faith or belief. It sets out actions decided on by a Working Group chaired by the...
by daveniven | Sep 3, 2013 | Child Abuse, Children, Social Work
The number of children identified by the UK human trafficking centre who are victims in the UK rose by 12% its still over 2000 identified victims. Although social workers and others are aware of the terrible circumstances that some children find themselves in,...
by daveniven | Aug 30, 2013 | Uncategorized
Inhumanity knows no boundaries and the cruelty inflicted from human to human has only changed with the implements and the methods used to inflict it over the centuries. Britain currently purports to stand for honour and justice and humanitarian decency in the face of...
by daveniven | Aug 29, 2013 | Child Abuse, Children, Children & Social Care, Media
Images of children in the media Looking at the coverage of the atrocities in Syria has made me think once again about the representation of children in the media. More often than not the national media portrays children either as devils or victims. Those living in...