Adam Zarnowski currently serves as the Open-Source Intelligence and Traffiking Investigations Manager for the Anti-Human Trafficking Intelligence Initiative ( He is a former United States federal officer and holds a master’s degree in Investigations specializing in Digital Forensics alongside a graduate certificate in Trafficking in Persons Investigations from the University of New Haven. He holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Northern Kentucky University.

Adam has dedicated his life to eradicating slavery from an early age. While serving as an investigator, Adam also spends much of his free time researching the sociocultural landscape to better understand how groups and individuals become vulnerable to trafficking and slavery in the first place. He has published a number of articles detailing his work and has additionally spoken at the Hague in the Netherlands as to his findings investigating war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity.

We talk of the enormity of the task and the dedication of hundreds of people working to combat traffiking and slavery in all its forms. Adam has also been consistantly academically interested in what causes this criminal behaviour in individuals and fuels this chronic cancer in our communities. As far as the general public is concerned the clear message is ‘ if you see something, say something’ .

More digitally aware volunteers are needed and training support will be given after appropriate vetting so , if you could put your name forward , look on the ATII site to take it further.

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